Quarry's Climax by Max Allan Collins / Review by Jim Biggs

Quarry's Climax
By Max Allan Collins

Hard Case Crime
ISBN 978-1785651809
Published October 10, 2017

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Book of the Day

Quarry's Climax, the latest in the long-running series by Max Allan Collins–damn, it's good stuff. Just look at the cover! This is a man's novel - no, I mean a real man's novel.  None of this mamby-pamby-politically-correct-hypersensitive fluff.  This is the type of book you read with a glass of whiskey - not a cup cocoa.  Just looking at the cover brings me back to a time when guys were expected to watch a pretty girl go by and never notice what color hair or eyes she had. When copping a feel would earn you a slap in the face instead of a lawsuit.  Ahh...  the good ol' days.  Back then, a book like this might cost you a buck and quarter, but even though it costs a sawbuck nowadays - GOOD pulp fiction like this is worth every penny.

Quarry is a professional killer. In Vietnam, he was a sniper taking out the VC. Now he works for The Broker taking out whoever he is paid to take out.  Different boss–same job.  His usual partner is Boyd is also a Vet.  They are living it up on Broker's dime in Vegas where their assignment is to actually NOT kill a guy.  Their job is to kill the guys who want to kill their guy.  But it won't be easy keeping Max Climer, strip club owner and publisher of the raunchy skin mag Climax, alive.

Max Allan Collins really is a master of pulp fiction.  His Quarry series is great–they are quick reads, with just enough of the good stuff to satisfy the itch.  The covers are works of art.  Really–I'd have them framed and hanging in my study if the Mrs. didn't insist on calling it her "craft room". It's hard getting old - but Collins' books really bring me back to my glory days.  I recommend the entire series - just not to those in touch with their feminine side.  I might even watch the new series on Cinemax – but I warrant the books will be better. Now, I think it's time for the little lady to go make me a sandwich.


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