Dominic by Mark Pryor / Review by Lois Schmitt

By Mark Pryor

Seventh Street Books
ISBN 978-1633883659
Published January 2, 2018

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Book of the Day

If you like dark mysteries, Dominic, by Mark Pryor, is as black as they come. An upstanding member of the legal profession, the main character, Dominic, is a psychopath whose actions escalate from mean childhood pranks to unspeakable deeds.

The suspense starts within the first few pages and continues to the end of the book. The provocative endings to each chapter will keep you on the edge of your seat and will have you flipping the pages until you discover who wins the game of cat and mouse. Although halfway through my reading, I predicted the outcome, I couldn’t put the book down because I hoped my prediction was wrong. (No spoiler alert—I’m not telling.)

The twist, which makes the story all the more terrifying, is that Dominic is a prosecuting attorney, and as an insider, he is able to hide his crimes from law enforcement. Dominic knows he is brilliant and considers himself unstoppable. His ability to manipulate people is especially evident in his relationship with Brian, a co-worker who craves approval from Dominic, the cool guy.

There are no heroes in this story—just evil characters and ordinary people with human weaknesses who fall under Dominic’s spell. Dominic’s most complicated relationship involves Bobby, a young boy Dominic met through the court system. Dominic sees himself in Bobby and treats the boy with what appears to be compassion, but when Bobby becomes a liability, the boy soon turns from protégé to prey.

Fast paced with well-crafted characters, Dominic is a psycho-thriller that will have you wondering if your co-worker and neighbors are really who they appear to be.

Lois Schmitt worked for more than two decades as Education Director and Media Spokesperson for Nassau County Office of Consumer Affairs Agency. For the last few years, she has taught in the economics department at Nassau Community College. She is the author of Smart Spending, a consumer education book for young adults. She has combined her love of animals and passion for mysteries in her new Kristy Farrell series. She is a member of several humane and wildlife organizations as well as Mystery Writers of America. A graduate of Hofstra University, she lives on Long Island with her family which includes a one hundred ten pound Bernese Mountain Dog.


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