Dragonsworn by Sherrilyn Kenyon / Review by E.J. Boyd

Dragonsworn: A Dark Hunter Novel
By Sherrilyn Kenyon

ISBN 978-1250102652
Published August 1, 2017

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Book of the Day

Family, you can't live with them and you can't eat them, even if sometimes you would really like to. Dragonsworn by Sherrilyn Kenyon is the 28th book in the Dark Hunter series.  It is the story of  Falcyn, the oldest of the Drakomai–an ancient race of dragons with the ability to shift into human form.  He pretty much hates everyone–but with good reason.  Betrayal has haunted him his entire existence.  The one thing that he does have is his Dragonstone and no one will ever take that from him. 

The Dark Hunter world is vast.  Sherrilyn Kenyon blends bits of legend, history, with her enviable talent to create characters that you really love to love - or hate.  And just when you are sure that you know who is the bad guy she will write a story from a different point of view and the paradigm will shift.  She is very good at making you feel sympathy for the devil (or Devyl...) 

While you could pick up and start the series from pretty much anywhere, it is best if you start from the beginning.  Some characters become so familiar that just the mention of their name is more than enough for a fan to understand what is really happening.  And there are ties between families, species, and pantheons that can change the entire meaning of a scene if you are aware of them.  It is still a lot of fun to explore her worlds, even if you don't start with Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1).  You can count on there being action, adventure, suspense, and romance (plenty of romance) but there is always a good story behind it all.  Her characters are always well developed and relatable. While some may challenge the existence of shape-shifting dragons, the love of a father for his son and the cost of that love, is something we can all believe in.

There are a lot of new things happening in the Dark-Hunter universe.  Kenyon started the Young Adult series, The Chronicals of Nick a few years ago (a series my son loves) that explores the teen-age years of one of the adult characters.  And now she is expanding into the children's literature!  The Simi's ABC's will be released December 19th.  I cannot wait!


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