The Friendship of Criminals by Robert Glinski / Reviewed by Cole Meador

Killer Nashville Book of the Day

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Photo Credit: Carrie WIlks

Reminiscent of mobster classics such as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather and Nicholas Peliggi’s Casino, newcomer Robert Glinski brings the heat to the streets with his debut novel The Friendship of Criminals. Drawing upon his real-life experiences as a criminal defense attorney, Glinski adds dashes of grittiness and darkness to a wonderfully violent and absolutely thrilling story.

Set in the sin-soaked streets and high-rises of Philadelphia, the book follows several gangster groups, each notorious for their white and blue-collar crimes. Race is a dominant theme in The Friendship of Criminals, with Italians, Poles, and Cubans clawing at one another’s throats while also making backhanded deals under the table. A seedy underworld filled with dangerous individuals, Philly becomes a playground for the mob, with gun battles and heists galore.

Port Richmond, populated by the Polish mob, is particularly a place any decent person would want to avoid at all costs. A neighborhood run by the hardened Bielakowski family and a gruff, no-BS gun supplier, Port Richmond sets the stage for a pulse-racing plot that explodes near the end with a satisfying finish. After the conclusion, I was left wanting more and will be impatiently waiting for Robert Glinski’s next novel, be it mobster-oriented or not. A voracious literary appetite can only be held back for so long!

As for Robert Glinski’s personal writing style, I was thoroughly impressed with the entrancing way he is able to weave together a first person narrative while still showing a broad outside view of the conflicts in his story. I felt like I was reading from a seasoned author, a writer who knows his way around the words like familiar friends. This led me to enjoy Mr. Glinski’s story even more, as I became immersed in its various plotlines and twisted characters. I would easily recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an intense crime thriller with a taste of old-fashioned justice.

Cole Meador is a full-time student pursuing a B.A. in Creative Writing. When he isn’t writing poems or short stories, he spends his time frequenting Nashville coffee shops, planning his next road trip, and attending any and all concerts he can. Cole aspires to work in the music industry, while continuing to pursue his passionate love for the written word.

(If you have a book you would like featured, send an ARC for consideration. The Killer Nashville Book Reviews are coordinated by Clay Stafford with the irreplaceable assistance of Clay Janeway, Maria Giordano, Will Chessor, and credited guest reviewers. For more writer resources, visit us at and

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