Flame Out by M.P. Cooley / Reviewed by Briana Goodchild

Killer Nashville Book of the Day

Purchase Flame Out: A Novel or read other reviews through Killer Nashville’s affiliate, Amazon.com*

Ice Shear is the first book of the June Lyons series

The smell of gasoline creeps through the air as ex-FBI, turned small-town police officer, Juniper “June” Lyons drives past the old Sleep-Tite Factory; the Factory is in flames. As the fiery scene erupts in chaos, a mysterious and badly burned woman emerges from the building. Who is this woman, and what is she doing in the abandoned factory?

In the charred aftermath of the fire, the investigation for arson and of “Jane Doe” begins, where officers soon find barrels of Tris, a toxic chemical banned in the 1970’s, behind a false wall. With the help of June’s partner Dave and forensic specialist Annie, the barrels prove to hold more than just toxic chemicals as they discover the mangled body of a woman.

DNA results reveal that the “Jane Doe” burn victim is in fact Louisa Lawler, local woman believed to have been murdered by her husband in 1983; the same infamous murder case that June’s fathered worked as the lead investigator at the time. With Louisa confirmed alive, the reader is left with many questions. If Louisa is alive, then where has she been all these years? Who is the dead woman in the barrel? Could Louisa be a murderer?

As the pieces begin to fall into place, June is faced with unwavering loyalties, hidden political agenda’s, and bloody family ties. Flame Out will leave readers hanging on the edge of their seats. This novel proves unforgiving in its plot, but is just too good to put down.

Briana Goodchild is on the verge of becoming a bibliophile and is currently a student of English Literature and Drama. Like any book reader she enjoys a strong cup of tea and an enticing story to match. Occasionally, when diving into the Mystery Genre, caffeine is required.

(If you have a book you would like featured, send an ARC for consideration. The Killer Nashville Book Reviews are coordinated by Clay Stafford with the irreplaceable assistance of Clay Janeway, Maria Giordano, Will Chessor, and credited guest reviewers. For more writer resources, visit us at www.KillerNashville.com and www.KillerNashvilleMagazine.com)

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The Friendship of Criminals by Robert Glinski / Reviewed by Cole Meador


The Long High Noon by Loren D. Estleman / Reviewed by Brianna Goodchild