The Hapsburg Variation by Bill Rapp / Review by Jim Biggs

The Hapsburg Variation
By Bill Rapp

Coffetown Press
ISBN 978-1603816434
Publication Date:  December 1, 2017

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Book of the Day

CIA agent, Karl Baier is stationed in Vienna with his wife in the spring of 1955.  Austria is preparing to sign the State Treaty which will return Austria’s independence and end the post-war occupation–a situation not everyone wants to see ended.   When a wealthy Austrian is found dead, Baier is called in to investigate. In an attempt to halt his investigation, Baier’s wife is kidnapped, but this only adds fuel to he fire.

The Hapsburg Variation the second book in the Cold War Series by Bill Rapp, a history professor turned diplomat.  Growing up during the height of the Cold War, I find this type of book fascinating.  It is spy vs. spy with plenty of twists and turns that it's no wonder Baier begins to feel as though he cannot trust anyone–even those back in the States.  For a history buff, this is a wonderful book.  There is a lot of information and it takes a certain reader to really appreciate it all.  I highly recommend the whole series.  


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