Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan / Review by M.J. Corner

Anatomy of  a Scandal
By Sarah Vaughan

ISBN 978-1501172168
Publication Date:  January 23, 2018

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Book of the Day

charming, and successful.  She has two perfect children and the perfect house.  Everything is perfect–until the evening her husband comes home and says the words that strike terror in the heart of any wife, "we have to talk". 

Barrister Kate Woodcroft's life is not perfect.  She is divorced with no children.  She lives alone.  And she has just lost another case. Everything is falling apart–unit the afternoon when her clerk walks into her office and says the words that make any attorney's pulse race, "I've got just the case you need". 

Anatomy of a Scandal is the latest novel by Sarah Vaughan.  With the world being rocked almost daily by the revelation of sexual assaults committed by powerful men, this is a most timely read.  It is, on the surface, the story of a politician being accused of a heinous crime, an ambitious lawyer willing to do almost anything to win the case that will make her career and a wife desperate not to let anything destroy her family.  But there is more.  This novel is about trust and doubt, sex and power, entitlement and social structure.  

Written from the alternating points of view of the main characters, each chapter adds a new layer to the drama.  Vaughn's experience as a political correspondent shows in her understanding of the subtleties of British Parliment.  She is a very talented writer.  I found myself questioning my own position on this turbulent subject.  I highly recommend this book to...  just about everyone.  


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