Dead Girl Walking by Christopher Brookmyre / Reviewed by M.K. Sealy

Killer Nashville Book of the Day

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Photo Credit: Tricia Malley and Ross Gillespie

With plots likened to those of director and writer Quentin Tarantino, Scottish author Christopher Brookmyre delivers a complex, engaging mystery masterpiece with his newest novel Dead Girl Walking.

Somewhat reminiscent of Stieg Larsson’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Dead Girl Walking is chock full of suspense and nail-biting tension. In Dead Girl Walking Brookmyre tells the story of a missing girl, murder, vice, the alternative music business, and the things that can come back to haunt you.

Dead Girl Walking opens with Heike, a musician with the world at her feet, who vanishes. And, for journalist Jack Parlabane, who has lost his career and marriage, finding Heike is the last opportunity to regain what little scrap of dignity he has left. But to unravel the complicated web surrounding Heike’s disappearance, Parlabane must begin by breaking down the secrets shared by Heike and her band, Savage Earth Heart.

But uncovering the band’s secrets may be more difficult than expected, regardless of the public’s crazed obsession of the band and the much-touted relationship between Heike and new band member Monica. Things are never as they seem and it turns out that Monica’s feelings toward Heike are less than favorable. As Parlabane uncovers the jealousy and anger behind the public façade, finding Heike becomes even more important.

Dead Girl Walking is superbly written, the suspense building from page one and culminating in an excellent dénouement that leaves readers with the undeniable aftertaste of a satisfying read.

Aside from the general intrigue and thrills, Brookmyre’s in-depth exploration of the alternative music scene is brought to life through both plot and form. Dead Girl Walking is an intense, wild ride, and one that I would highly suggest for readers of mysteries and thrillers.

M.K. Sealy earned a Bachelor of Arts in English with an emphasis in literature from a Nashville university. She is a copyeditor for a Nashville-based publication, but also writes poetry, fiction, and is currently attempting a screenplay, all while working to obtain a Master of Education.

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Dead Girl Walking by Christopher Brookmyre / Reviewed by M.K. Sealy