KN Magazine: Reviews
Reflections In A Dragon’s Eye
By Bradley Harper
Review by Leigh Hall
Reflections in a Dragon’s Eye
Bradley Harper
Papillon du Père Publishing
September 14, 2023
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Would you give your soul to stop the dragon…?
Former boxer KO Bannon won’t. He can’t because it would mean losing himself—for good this time—to the bottle, condemning him to a life on the streets away from his beloved daughter and grandson. He can’t allow himself to go back there, to where he saw the body splash into the freezing water of the Baltimore Harbor. And the dragon that watched them both.
Would you condemn another’s soul to catch the dragon…?
Detective Sgt. John Mankiller would. If it means stopping the killing of innocent women. For him, the end justifies the means… when you need it to. Not so for his partner, Maria Ruiz. Though desperate to crack the case and save the life of the next woman, the question remains: Is the price of one life for another too high?
Would you offer your soul to be the dragon…?
Marty Hightower would. Smooth, handsome, privileged, and rich, he likes nothing more than to seduce a woman and see the light in her eyes fade away as her life leaves her. For him, it’s the ultimate high. Except with the last woman, the one that fought him and caused him to rush her end on the waters of the Baltimore Harbor as the dragon watched them both.
The paths of the witness, the cops, and the murderer will inevitably collide when what is right could stand in the way of saving the next life. Set in the streets and around the waters of Baltimore and perfect for fans of James Patterson, Stuart MacBride, and Michael Connelly, this atmospheric police thriller posits how far the ends should justify the means.
My review:
I was hooked from page one. Mr. Harper does a fabulous job of embedding you into the pages. The way you get dipped into every character’s mind is flawless. I felt KO’s struggles, along with the detective’s urge and Marty’s frustration. He painted the scenes flawlessly; I felt the harsh wind hitting my face just as it did to the characters on the pier. KO’s addiction and his struggles really hit home. Having to make such a selfless choice is difficult when you are trying to solely focus on bettering yourself for once. There is so much pain in this book, but there is an equal amount of triumph. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. This is sure to be an incredible series.

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