KN Magazine: Articles

Mary Lynn Cloghesy, Jason Schembri Shane McKnight Mary Lynn Cloghesy, Jason Schembri Shane McKnight

Healthy Living Practices for Writers – Silent Killer: Imposter Syndrome

Did you know that you have a silent killer within you? One that is capable of not only derailing your writing life, but also your profession, personal relationships, and pastimes? Recent research has shown that creatives are uniquely susceptible to this disease due to the subjective nature of their work, the solitary aspects of their craft, and the competitive landscape of the arts. A whopping 70% of writers will suffer from this affliction, including some unlikely characters. Consider what Dr. Maya Angelou has said about herself and her work, “I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.’” She’s not the only one. Even John Steinbeck has cried, “I am not a writer. I’ve been fooling myself and other people.” If the icons among us are negatively impacted by Imposter Syndrome, then what hope is there for the rest of us? Clearly, it’s critical to know what it is and how to deal with it in order to protect ourselves from this author interrupter. 

What is Imposter Syndrome?

While you may not know the term, I’m guessing you’re familiar with its symptoms. Ask yourself: Have I experienced persistent self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy despite evidence of success? Have I wondered if I was a fraud or feared being exposed as such regardless of my skills, qualifications or achievements? If so, you’re in the thralls of Imposter Syndrome. It’s a form of dysfunctional thinking that has been described as “chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that overrides any feelings of success or external proof of competence.” This mental affliction plays on your fears, needling you with subliminal suggestions, and causes you to question yourself, your talent, and your ability to achieve your dreams. It’s subtle, insidious, and stalking you right now. In fact, it’s such a common experience among writers that it could be considered an epidemic.


While Imposter Syndrome will cause you to hang your head in shame, it has many other faces. It will drive you to adopt the behaviours listed below rather than address its root causes, especially when you are feeling vulnerable, such as during the query process or in the midst of critiques. Here are the masks it wears:

  • Perfectionism – Setting impossibly high standards and feeling like a failure when they aren’t met.

  • Overworking – Trying to compensate for perceived inadequacies by working excessively.

  • Discounting success – Attributing achievements to luck or external factors rather than talent, skill or effort.

  • Fear of failure – Avoiding new challenges due to the fear of being "found out.”

Diagnosing Imposter Syndrome

To combat this disease, you must diagnose it correctly, but how do you know if you’re simply having a bad day or struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Frequency and consistency are important factors to consider, as are patterns in your thinking that reveal deep-seated worry and self-sabotage. Telltale signs that you are suffering from Imposter Syndrome include the following:  

  • Negative Self-Talk

    • Do you often think, "I’m not a real writer," even though you’re increasing your word count regularly and actively creating new works?

    • Do you believe your work isn’t good enough, no matter how much you revise?

  • Perfectionism & Procrastination

    • Do you keep rewriting the same passages because they’re "never good enough"?

    • Do you delay submitting work or starting a project because you fear failure?

  • Dismissing Accomplishments

    • Do you downplay praise or attribute success to luck instead of your talent and hard work?

    • Even after recognition (awards, nominations, publication), do you feel like you don’t deserve it?

  • Fear of Being "Exposed"

    • Do you worry that other writers, editors, or readers will figure out you’re a fraud?

    • Does the idea of publishing or speaking about your work make you anxious?

  • Comparing Yourself to Others

    • Do you feel like other authors are "real writers," but you’re just faking it?

    • Do you look at their success and think, "I’ll never be as good as them"?

  • Overworking to Prove Yourself

    • Do you push yourself to exhaustion, believing you must work twice as hard to deserve success?

    • Do you avoid celebrating milestones because you can’t accept you’ve really earned them yet?

What can you do about it?

Recognizing Imposter Syndrome is the first step. Take off the mask, look in the mirror, and say out loud, “I am a writer. I am accomplished, I work hard, and I deserve my success,” then notice how you feel. Free write about it. The key is to manage self-doubt rather than attempt to eliminate it. Leading expert, Dr. Valerie Young, author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, has stated, “The only difference between people who feel like impostors and those who don’t is that the impostors’ thoughts stop them.” Here are some practical steps: 

  • Acknowledge It & Call It Out

    • When you hear that inner voice saying, "I’m not a real writer," or "I don’t deserve this," challenge it. Ask yourself: What evidence do I have that this is true? Spoiler: There isn’t any. Use the mirror to reflect what is real instead. Write an affirmation and say it out loud to yourself, then get back to your writing. Your work and readers are waiting.

  • Reframe Your Thinking

    • Pay attention to your inner dialogue. Instead of saying, "I just got lucky" try: "I worked hard, improved my craft, and took advantage of my opportunities." Whenever doubts and fears come up, remind yourself, "Every writer doubts themselves—this is normal, but it doesn’t define me."

  • Keep a “Proof” Folder

    • Create a digital or physical folder where you save:
      ✅ Positive feedback from editors, agents, or readers
      ✅ Good reviews or contest recognitions 
      ✅ Personal milestones—finishing a draft, hitting a word count goal, getting shortlisted
      On tough days, revisit these to remind yourself that your work has real value and made a positive impact.

  • Stop the Comparison Game

    • It’s easy to look at other writers and feel lost or behind, but their journey isn’t yours. Even bestselling authors struggle with Imposter Syndrome! Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your progress. The only person to compare yourself to is you. Also, cheer others on knowing they need your support as much as you need theirs.

  • Write Through It

    • Fear and self-doubt thrive in inaction. Keep writing, even if you don’t feel "good enough" that day. One of the best ways to grow as a writer is to write. The only way out is through.

  • Share Your Struggles with Fellow Writers

    • Imposter Syndrome relies on silence. Talking about it with other writers can be eye-opening—they probably feel the same way! Other authors will have tips as to how to beat this too, so reach out to your critique group or friends in the field to gather collective wisdom. 

  • Celebrate Your Wins (Big & Small)

  • Finished a chapter? Got positive feedback? Submitted to an agent? Celebrate it! Recognizing progress helps rewire your brain to see your success instead of dismissing it. If in doubt, go for a quick win: write a flash fiction piece, watch a video on the art and craft of writing, read one of your favorite authors. Your choices are endless.

  • Accept That Doubt is Normal

    • Even established authors battle Imposter Syndrome. The trick is to acknowledge the fear but not let it control you. You’re not an imposter—you’re just a writer pushing past your perceived limits.

Healthy Living Top Tip

Like most diseases, it’s a coordinated approach over time that promotes healing. While there are some actionable steps included in this article to help you diagnose and manage Imposter Syndrome, you may need to go deeper. Our top tip for this month is to be curious about what’s happening, especially if you are struggling, and to acknowledge that you are not alone. 

Don’t allow your internal worries to cross over into reality and kill your success. One thing that is unique to writers is we get to breathe life into “real” imposters (excuse the oxymoron), villains and victims, then wipe them out with the keyboard. Take advantage of this unique ability and feel emboldened to vanquish your internal imposter. Eradicate the disease at its source. Your story awaits.

Authors: Mary Lynn Cloghesy & Jason Schembri. Mary Lynn is the founder of the Leadership Literary Lab (, and Jason is a long-term weight loss specialist ( Together, they host a luxury writing retreat in the Canadian Rockies. 

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Mary Lynn Cloghesy, Jason Schembri Shane McKnight Mary Lynn Cloghesy, Jason Schembri Shane McKnight

Upper Cross Syndrome: What is it? Why should you care?

One indisputable truth about writers is that we all sit for long periods of time. Whether you are putting pen to paper or punching keys on a laptop, writers spend hours at their desks. Recent research has shown that part-time writers average 10-15 hours per week, whereas full-time writers range between 21-42 hours per week, with high-output periods reaching 12 hours per day. Regardless of the level of output, the body works hard to accommodate your demands. One way in which the body responds to long periods of focused effort is to adjust to the biomechanical forces on the musculoskeletal system. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to get any work done if you had to think about holding up your head and setting your shoulders to protect your neck while writing? The body is quick to adapt to your working conditions and expectations, yet what seems to be a simple solution can have negative, long-term consequences. As such, starting this month, we are writing a series of articles on the most common conditions affecting writers and offering healthy living advice on what to do about it. We’ll start with one of the most pervasive: Upper Cross Syndrome.

What is Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS)?

UCS is a muscular imbalance in the upper back, neck, and shoulders caused by poor posture over an extended period of time, like when writers sit and slouch for hours. It results in dropped or rounded shoulders, a forward head position, and an exaggerated curvature of the spine in the neck and upper back. If you think about the body as an interconnected system, then the muscles at the top and mid section of your back and the deep flexors in your neck become weaker as the front body muscles work hard to stabilize your position as you naturally lean forward to write. The pectoral or chest muscles and anterior neck muscles shorten due to the strain, which can cause pain and dysfunction, as well as reduce your range of motion. The name “Upper Cross” comes from the pattern where the spine is pulled forward and compressed over time. See the image below: 


Why should you care?

UCS is associated with a variety of pathologies that can affect a writer, many of which cause discomfort or worse. Is there any greater distraction than pain? Here is one example of how UCS can affect you: did you know that every inch forward for your head posture adds 10-12 pounds of pressure on the spine? If you’re wondering whether your head is forward, a simple test is to put the back of your heels and buttocks against the wall and see if you head touches too. Don’t force it. If not, you can start to bring awareness to the condition to remedy it. Head forward position is linked to TMJ pain (temporomandibular or jaw pain), headaches, chronic neck conditions, weak respiratory muscles, and stability and balance issues, among other things. Here is a quick list of the reasons to care about UCS:

  • Postural Strain and Discomfort:

    • Writers often adopt a slouched posture over laptops or desks for extended periods. The fascial system (connective tissue throughout the body) can lock in these dysfunctional patterns, which leads to further impairment over time.

    • This posture tightens the pectoral muscles and neck extensors while weakening the rhomboids and trapezius, causing chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

  • Decreased Energy and Focus:

    • Poor posture reduces lung capacity and restricts airflow, leading to fatigue.

    • Chronic discomfort or pain can distract writers, reducing productivity and focus.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Risk:

    • Rounded shoulders and forward head posture can compress nerves leading to the hands, exacerbating risks of carpal tunnel syndrome or other repetitive strain injuries.

    • Alternatively, numbness in the hands due to nerve impingement can make it difficult to hold a pen or type, let alone write for long periods of time.

  • Headaches and Eye Strain:

    • UCS frequently causes tension headaches due to overactive neck muscles and occipitals.

    • The forward posture often results in additional strain on the eyes and headaches due to misalignment with screens or documents, decreasing working time.

  • Impact on Mood:

    • Research indicates that poor posture can negatively affect mood and increase stress levels, potentially influencing creativity and writing output.

What can you do about it?

Most writers suffer from, or are at risk of developing UCS, but there are a number of readily available solutions, some of which you can do at home. First, let’s consider professional intervention, then we’ll look at other options. All physiotherapists and RMT’s (Registered Massage Therapists), will be trained in treating UCS. Costs range from $75 to $150 per consult for an initial assessment, with follow-up appointments potentially at a reduced rate. It’s important to understand any treatment won’t be a “quick fix,” as UCS is a condition associated with habitual movements (or lack thereof) which affect the fascial system or connective tissue throughout the body, which is stronger than muscle. An investment of time and financial resources will be required but ask yourself, what is your health worth? Also, most insurance companies cover this type of treatment. Chiropractic, Fascial Stretch Therapy, and other modalities can help as well. 

If you want to make a smaller investment, then home-based exercise tools and equipment can be beneficial, such as an inversion table (just to hang out), foam rollers, resistance bands, and/or any number of ergonomic aids. There are many health practitioners who offer online subscription services to support your learning with regard to regular movements that target the imbalances of UCS. There are simple protocols that can be incorporated into your workday. While posture braces and other similar tools are marketed as solutions as well, we doubt the efficacy as these devices will not be strong enough to counteract the hours you’ll be writing, when you won’t be thinking about your device or how to work with it. Lastly, here is a list of suggestions that you can try at home: 

  • Ergonomic Workspace:

    • Adjust desk and chair height so the top half of the screen is at eye level and your back is fully supported. Change your desk or chair if necessary.

    • Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse to reduce strain on the wrists and shoulders. There are also desks that raise to standing, and chairs designed for multiple seated positions. 

  • Frequent Movement:

    • Take breaks every 30-60 minutes to stretch and move, helping alleviate muscle tightness. One simple trick: stretch your arms overhead and rise up on your tiptoes. This will reenergize you and lengthen your upper spine.

    • Incorporate stretches that target the chest and strengthen the upper back into your breaks from writing. You can learn simple protocols from online practitioners by searching for UCS programs.

  • Postural Exercises:

    • Perform exercises like scapular squeezes, chin tucks, and wall angels to strengthen weak muscles and promote correct posture.

    • Practice yoga, Pilates, or something similar, which emphasizes alignment and flexibility.

  • Mindfulness and Body Awareness:

    • Writers can practice mindfulness or body scanning to become more aware of their posture while writing.

    • Ask yourself if you need to make adjustments to your seated posture throughout the day or stand to write, using talk to text for a while.

Healthy Living Top Tip

While most writers will experience some version of UCS, even if it is only short-lived upper back and neck tension, one healthy living practice that will benefit all writers is to add more movements into your day as the hours at your desk increase. Also, do not pull on tight muscles. You need to coax them to flex and stretch, or you run the risk of causing tearing at the insertion points. Think of muscular movement like the flow of water. If you allow the body to respond, it will become more fluid. 

When we became full-time writers, we realized that the only way to be productive was to stay fit, so we began counter-balancing much longer periods of time writing with more time in the gym, running, building muscle, and stretching. Consider the time you spend on supporting your body similar to the investment you make in learning the craft: you need growing knowledge of and active engagement with both to cross the finish line. For UCS in particular, head and neck strain can lead to chronic inflammation and reduced energy due to restriction of lung capacity. When muscles are locked down, your vitality decreases. Writers can only keep doing what they love when they are healthy. If you love to write, learn about UCS and how to prevent it before it becomes problematic. Your writing and readers will thank you for it. 

 Mary Lynn Cloghesy is the founder of the Leadership Literary Lab (, and Jason Schembri is a long-term weight loss specialist ( Together, they host a luxury writing retreat in the Canadian Rockies. 

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