KN Magazine: Articles

Featured Poetry: "Pencil to Paper"

By Sharon Ann Wilson

My pencil snapped yet again
I can’t get the words right
So I erase and do it again
and again.
That’s the 5th lead today
I’m afraid to touch my laptop
For fear I might throw it.
Is this writer’s block?
I doubt it, but what do I know…
Number six is up, I hope it will hold
Oh boy, a sentence down
Only several thousand more to go
So, I write on, praying this lead will hold.

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Featured Poetry: "Do not stare blankly at that rabbit hole"

By Tim J. Conroy

Do not stare blankly at that rabbit hole
Our minds should muse and blaze at end of day
Read, read against the sucking of the soul

All children at first brush know ads are trolls
Because the screen has plated sad clichés
Do not stare blankly at that rabbit hole

Good beings, remote control, novels unsold
These lives might have rose with a Hemingway
Read, read against the sucking of the soul

Wild folk who played and sang the rock n roll
Staged the obituary of their day
Do not stare blankly at that rabbit hole

Weaker ones, too dull, working rigmarole
Eyes reflect a dead character at play
Do not stare blankly at that rabbit hole

So you, old friend, kindle a vital scroll
Draft, plot, type with your heartbeat, tear away
Do not stare blankly at that rabbit hole
Read, read against the sucking of the soul

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