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Chrissy Hicks Shane McKnight Chrissy Hicks Shane McKnight

The Art of Writing Fast (Part II)

By Chrissy Hicks

In Part I of The Art of Writing Fast series, I discussed the benefits of Fast Writing (both what it is and why it’s awesome sauce!) Now, I’d like to share the “how” behind this technique…

The “How” of Fast Writing

1) You need a plan

Yes—YOU! You need one. Period. Whether you’re a pantser, planner, or plantser, one of the most effective ways to write fast is to have an outline. And before you throw a fit about outlines…ultimately, whatever process works best for you is what you should stick with. Can you speed through a 50,000+ word first draft with no outline and only an idea in your brain? Absolutely. Just because I don’t, or some people find that difficult, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t if you can. However, it does make it a lot easier to provide direction and can help avoid writer’s block if you get stuck somewhere along the way. But it’s not impossible. So yes, this method can work for everyone. However, I still suggest creating an outline. It does NOT need to comprise an elaborate blue print with character worksheets and maps and a play-by-play of every action. But it should at least include a basic 3-act structure. What happens in the beginning? How do things get harder in the middle—what’s the big setback/challenge? And how does it end? You can do this at the beginning, before writing, or you can do it during your writing. Just keep a notebook or other document open on your screen and note what happens in each chapter as you go. This way, when you get to the end, you can review it and see if the structure still makes sense. Or, if you get stuck somewhere along the way, you can review the outline and see if it still makes sense, if you should take a different turn somewhere, or if you notice a pattern or theme emerge that will help you decide what happens next. Whatever the case, a guideline of some sort will only help, not hinder, your progress as you sprint toward “The End.”

2) Figure out how long it will take

Like with any goal, this will require dedicated time, energy, and discipline. Try this exercise to see how long it might take you to complete a novel:

  • The only rule is DO NOT STOP! If you must (such as, all that coffee you chugged before starting just hit your bladder something fierce), pause the timer and restart as soon as possible. But overall, focus on getting as many words on paper as possible 

  • At the hour mark, check your word count. Most programs will have a word count built in, but if doing this by hand, you’ll need to physically count the words

If you’re able to do this 3 times, whether the same day or on 3 separate days, you should have a good average number for your “hourly word count average.” Doing so on 3 separate days will provide a more accurate number, mainly because, if you have one superb day with 3 hours to spare, the words you knock out might not reflect your average word count…thus, spreading out your days will give you a more accurate picture.

My average word count in one hour, without too many breaks, is about 1500-2000 words. Some days are better than others, but that’s about what I’ve been able to achieve. I’m not throwing this out there as a comparison—if you can do much more, that’s awesome! If you came up with much less—no worries! If it’s your goal to achieve a higher word count average in an hour, there’s no better time to practice than now while writing your next book. ( ;

3) Schedule your writing time

Once you’ve got an idea of how many words you can achieve in an hour (give or take), divide that by the word count goal for your book. 

Example: 80,000 / 1500 (avg hrly words) = 53.3 hours. 

For the sake of keeping this simple, let’s say it takes 54 hours for you to write an 80,000-word rough draft. Now all you need to do is look at your schedule and find 54 hours. Easy peasy. 

Okay, so it’s not that peasy. For some people who are currently adulting (i.e., work full-time and have kids and responsibilities, like moi), 54 hours can seem overwhelming. But I guarantee you, it’s not as bad as you think. I’ll bet you can find time to squeeze it in amidst the daily grind. Do you commute to work by train or bus? You could write during that time. Maybe during lunch break? How about after the kids are tucked in? As you study your daily habits and the average day-to-day schedule, you’ll likely find places where you could substitute an activity for writing. If you binge-watch Netflix shows for 4 hours on a Saturday night, cut that to 2 hours and spend the other 2 on writing.

4) Use all the tools (or none of them)

Consider doing word count sprints. Or using a Pomodoro timer while you write. Bribe yourself with treats when you hit word count goals! Example: Once I make it to 30,000 words, I’m getting an hour-long massage. / For every 5,000 words I hit, I’m eating a chocolate chip cookie.

5) Support

Having others support you and your goals is always important. And I hope you have those people in your life. Tell your close friends, your spouse, your kids, etc., that you’re working to accomplish this goal of finishing a rough draft. Doing so will give you accountability, but also (hopefully) show those around you that you’re not ignoring them when you turn down a lunch date or night out. Rather, you’re working hard to complete a project that has a lot of meaning to you. This doesn’t mean you should isolate yourself from everyone and neglect your family (and if you’re Googling things like “At what age can children be left alone before DCS intervenes?” Then you might need to rethink some priorities…). But overall, you’ll likely turn down invites you wouldn’t normally, or be less available during the time you’re focused on speeding through a first draft. It’s good for those who care about you to know what you’re up to. After all, they may be your greatest cheerleaders along the way.

Self-care is another important focus here. It’s easy to lose sight of everything else when you’re hyper-focused on something. But don’t forget to get up, stretch, go for a walk, hit the gym, and take breaks as needed! Your body will thank you for it. If you’re writing the entire draft by hand (bless you), you’ll want to do regular wrist-stretching exercises to avoid writer’s cramp. (In fact, you may want to do these for long periods of typing too…). If you need to schedule in these breaks, then by all means, do so!

If you’ve stuck around for this long, you might be thinking “Hey! Maybe I can do this!” And yes, the answer is absolutely 100% you can. You’ve got the what, the why, and the how. Up next: WHEN and WHERE to Fast Write (in Part III of the Art of Writing Fast series).

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Chrissy Hicks Shane McKnight Chrissy Hicks Shane McKnight

The Art of Writing Fast (Part I)

The idea of writing FAST excites me, because it’s something I always wanted to do but believed there was some code I needed to crack before I could achieve results. I’m here to tell you that’s not true. There’s no code, no secret, no one-size-fits-all formula. Nope. And you get all the details here, in my new mini-series, for free.


Writing fast isn’t for everyone, and it’s not always feasible. Note: I didn’t say it was impossible, nor am I saying some people can or can’t. What I am saying is not everyone will enjoy this method, and even for those who do, it may not work 100% of the time.

I think anyone can complete a novel, and I believe anyone can complete a novel fast, if they set their mind to it. NaNoWriMo is a fantastic challenge to start with, if you’ve never tried. And if you enjoy writing and haven’t heard of National Novel Writing Month, then I have to ask, where have you been?? Just kidding. The challenge involves writing 50,000 words in one month (particularly November, but you can pick any month to challenge yourself). The idea is to get words on paper, stop procrastinating, and finish the dang book.

Keep in mind: this does NOT mean you’ll have a polished, publication-ready manuscript by the end of your speedy writing adventures. But what you will have, is something to work with. As Jodi Picoult once said, “You can’t edit a blank page.” 

Let’s dive in, shall we?

In this first article, I’ll go over what fast writing is and why to write fast

Next, I’ll tackle how to do so, as well as when and where you might do so. Later, we’ll explore the editing process and why you should approach this at a slower pace to accomplish your best work. 

What is Fast Writing?

Simply put: it’s writing fast. Getting words on paper without too much thinking or hesitation. Again, NaNoWriMo is a great example because it encourages just that: writing a book of 50,000 words in 30 days, which equates to 1,667 words per day, or approximately 7 typed pages. 

When you focus on speeding through the completion of a first draft (or draft zero, as I prefer to call my initial rough drafts), there’s no time to overthink or second-guess. You are forced to put your inner critic aside (or locked in a cage in a land far far away) so you can focus on simply getting the story out as quickly as possible.

Why Write Fast?

There are several benefits. Here’s 5 reasons WHY:

1. High-volume productivity

Let’s say you write adult fiction novels, and the average word count for these is about 80,000 (still unsure? Click HERE for a free, fun quiz on Reedsy to get a fair estimate). Now imagine, you dedicated time and energy to blasting through the first draft at a rate of 1,667 words per day (we’ll use NaNoWriMo rules for the sake of example). That would land you a completed first draft in 48 days, approximately a month and a half! Then there’s the editing, of course. Let’s factor in 2-3 months of applying the same amount of time you did writing to fine-tuning your draft. From start to your finishing touches, the whole process will take about 4-5 months. Now, you need a break from that book. So, you send it off to beta readers, editors, and friends with an eye for grammatical errors. And while they’re all reviewing and prepping your feedback, you’re already working on your next book! See the pattern? 

This kind of rhythm won’t work for everyone. But if you plan to write prolifically, this isn’t a bad formula for knocking out at least 2 books a year. 

2. Keep the Creative Juices flowing

If you prefer to take a break from an initial rough draft before editing (as I do), then you could knock out two books sequentially, and return to the first book to edit. Once editing is done, you’ll have had a sufficient break from the second book and can return to edit that one. This way you maintain a writing habit, keep the momentum going, and still give your rough drafts a “rest” period before returning to them. That or, perhaps you could turn to another creative endeavor (painting, music, ice sculpturing…take your pick!*).

*Pun absolutely intended. 

3. Practice makes better

I’ve often heard people say, “practice makes perfect.” But we’re not aiming for perfect—that’s an impossible task. We’re aiming to be better each day. How do you get better at writing? By writing! Like with anything else, we can study and read about craft all day but if we don’t actually put pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard), how else are we going to teach our brains to push past writer’s block? The more often you write, the closer you’ll get to your writer’s voice. The more often you write, and edit, and implement feedback, the more often you’ll understand the mistakes you’re making and not make them in the first place. This in turn, means churning out better and better first drafts. Tada! 

4.  Overcome fear of the blank page

Have you ever had this big idea for a novel, then sat down to start and stared at the blank page, wondering…where do I start? Am I even the right person to write this thing? When you fast write, you don’t give yourself the opportunity to doubt your writing ability. You just do it. Think: Nike

5. Write it fast, write it bad

Okay, I don’t really mean that. Not everything you write in a first draft is going to be bad. But a lot of it will be. There will be all sorts of room for tweaking and deleting and adding. Characters who probably didn’t need to be there, “Sally” that became “Sandy” halfway through the manuscript and you didn’t even notice, flat dialogue, lackluster scenery, flowery descriptions that have nothing to do with anything… you catch my drift. My point is simply this: give yourself permission to write it however it comes out, as bad as it might possibly present itself. Because anything is fixable, but you can’t fix something that is nothing.

Okay… do I have you convinced? You might think, this is nuts. Or I have no time. Or where did I leave the remote? Or, perhaps, you’re chomping at the bit, ready to knock out that first draft, indexes poised at the F and J keys on your QWERTY keyboard. If so, stay tuned for my five ways on HOW to do that in Part II.

Chrissy’s work has appeared in three consecutive issues of Bridgewater State University’s “Embracing Writing” book for first-year freshmen. Her writing portfolio also includes publications in The Broadkill Review, SUSIE Mag, The Storyteller, and informative pieces for a local online newspaper. One of her unpublished novels, Foul Play, was a Suspense Finalist for the 2022 Claymore Award, and an excerpt from her unpublished novel Overshadow won Top Three Finalist of the 2024 Thomas Mabry Creative Writing Award. Though her background is in counseling, having earned a master’s degree in this field, when it comes to the art of writing, she’s an autodidact. She studies books she loves and enjoys completing various creative writing classes online, and attending writer’s conferences whenever she can; Killer Nashville is one of her favorites. Additionally, she’s volunteered since 2023 as a general editor for the Killer Nashville Magazine. She resides in Tennessee with her family, their talkative Husky, and a frenetic cat. You can find her online here: where she occasionally blogs about the writing life and reviews craft books.

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