Silver Falchion Award

  • “Winning the Silver Falchion was the highlight of my year - I am so deeply honored.”

    Kim Taylor Blakemore

  • Winning the Silver Falchion Award is one of my biggest thrills ever and that coveted Silver Falchion medal has been a huge boost to my writing career.”

    R.G. Belsky

The 18th Annual Silver Falchion Award
Hosted by Killer Nashville

For Best Books of 2024

Entries for the 18th Annual 2025 Silver Falchion Award Competition are now OPEN. Winners will be announced on Saturday, August 23, 2025. The competition is for books published between January 1 and December 31, 2024. Audio books are eligible as long as they were published during the same year as the original book, both between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.


The Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award seeks to discover and honor the best books of the previous year (novels, novellas, collections and anthologies, and non-fiction) that incorporate the elements of mystery, thriller, suspense, action, and romance in numerous genres or, in the case of nonfiction, books that are applicable to writers in general.

  • “I was awarded the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion for Best Supernatural novel. My novel went from #90,000 on the Kindle sales list to #8,000 (and broke into the Top Ten Horror Classic category).  I can only attribute that quick jump to this award. Thank you for giving my novel a bit of encouragement. A large bit, in fact.”

    Michael Cordell

  • “After winning the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award, I’m seen by industry professionals as a serious writer. I’ve gotten several invitations to participate or lead author panels and been on several podcasts. If I were in the Mafia, I’d be what is known as a ‘Made Man.’"

    Bradley Harper

  • “The Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award came at just the right time to draw extra attention to the release of The Devil’s Bible trade paperback, and we were also able to use the Silver Falchion win as promotion at the launch of Book of the Just. For some readers trying to decide what to add to their to-be-read pile, seeing the validation of this award gives them the last nudge they need to buy your book.”

    Dana Chamblee Carpenter


  • Action adventure is a thriller, mystery, and suspense genre wherein fast-paced action is the primary component, outshining even characters and setting. This genre also usually includes a secondary element such as a murder investigation or a quest, but the main focus is always on fast-forward action. Subgenres of action adventure include crime action & adventure, fantasy, men’s adventure, mystery, organized crime thrillers, romantic suspense, science fiction, sea adventures, suspense, terrorism, thriller, war & military, and women’s adventures.

  • Best Children’s Book, for those younger than Juvenile / Young Adult age range.

  • This category requires little explanation (like any good joke). Comedies are designed to make your audience laugh and evoke feelings of merriment.

  • The cozy mystery genre is a suspense story in which a protagonist solves a crime or puzzle, though very little graphic or gory detail of the crime is included. Subgenres of the cozy mystery include amateur sleuths, standard British detectives, and women sleuths in a cozy non-professional context.

  • A historical novel is one that has as its setting a period of history and that attempts to convey the spirit, manners, and social conditions of a past age with realistic detail and historical fact. Historical revisionist works are also welcome.

  • The procedural mystery genre is a thriller and suspense story in which a professional protagonist (detective, journalist, attorney, physician) solves a crime, usually gruesome and with graphic detail. Subgenres of the procedural mystery include hard-boiled, historical, international, police procedural, private investigator.

  • The young adult genre we are interested in involves mystery, thriller and suspense elements. The target for this award is a young adult; however, if you have an entry that would appeal to adults, as well (the Harry Potter franchise, for example), you can also choose to enter it in that genre category rather than generically here.

  • The mystery genre can be broken down into a seemingly endless list of subgenres. In general, a mystery is any novel in which a protagonist is trying to unravel unexplained or unexplainable events and get to the truth.

  • Includes forensics, law enforcement, biography, publicity/marketing, academic, reference, and criticism

  • Sci-fi and fantasy are genres set in a fictional or real universe. Mystical and magical creatures or scientific monstrosities are common in both.

  • Includes any collection of short stories by one author or several in the categories of Action Adventure, Comedy, Cozy, Historical, Investigator, Juvenile/YA, Literary, Mainstream/Commercial, Mystery, Nonfiction, Sci-fi/Fantasy, Short Story Collections, Southern Gothic, Supernatural, Suspense, Thriller, and Western. In the case of several authors, the honor and physical award will be given to the editor. Individual short stories are not eligible at this time.

  • Southern Gothic is a subgenre of Gothic Literature that takes place in the American South. Southern Gothic novels tend to be a bit dark and feature grotesque characters, dark humor, isolation, violence, the supernatural, etc. Best Southern Gothic includes both historical and present day.

  • Supernatural works focus on, well, the supernatural. This can include ghosts, witchcraft, divine entities, werewolves, goblins, ghouls, monsters, etc.

  • Suspense is closely aligned to mystery and thriller but, in general, it should create a sense of anticipation in your reader. While the genre also contains many elements of mystery/thriller (conflict, red herrings, fast pacing, etc.) there is a sense of foreboding throughout. Often, the reader will be aware of things the protagonist is not aware of.

  • The thriller genre is a mystery or suspense category that covers a broad spectrum, probably overlapping numerous genres, but defined mainly by the moods it produces using techniques of anticipation and surprise. The thriller should keep the reader unbalanced in terms of what might happen next. Normally a thriller centers on the pursuit of (or prevention of) a single goal.

  • Best Western includes both historical and present day.

2025 Silver Falchion Awards Official Rules


Physical award in each category, bragging rights, increased exposure, and $250 for best overall work (fiction or nonfiction), payable to the winner. Announcements include finalists, as well as winners.

Please note: In order for a category to be awarded, entries in the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Awards have to be worthy of that honor; otherwise, no award will be given in that category.

Finalists & winners will be announced at the Killer Nashville Awards Dinner.


We believe all engaging stories have three elements: mystery, thriller, and suspense. Since 2008, the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Awards have recognized the best stories from the previous year told through various media utilizing the elements of mystery, thriller, and/or suspense in multiple genres. Judges are professional writers, book reviewers, librarians, academics, and—in specialized cases—specific industry peers. Focus is on quality, not popularity.


The Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award began as a way to recognize Killer Nashville attendees and has since grown worldwide into an industry-coveted prize. The Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award continues to have one (1) NO ENTRY FEE for conference attendees who submit their entry with their registration prior to the deadline of the competition (there are no refunds for attendees who enter the contest first and then register later). The charge for non-attendee or additional attendee submissions is $85 per entry to cover our expenses. There are no refunds for award entries.

Up to November 30, 2024- Full refund less processing fee of $25
December 1, 2024-January 31, 2025 - 50% refund less processing fee of $25
February 1, 2025 and Following - NO REFUNDS
PLEASE NOTE: Refunds for award entries are NOT available after a manuscript has been submitted.


Eligible works must have been first published in English and available to a North American reading audience in either print or digital format between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Audio books are eligible as long as they are published in the same year as the original book and is between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024

We make no distinction between self-published, indie-published, and traditionally published works; all are eligible to be entered into the competition so long as they adhere to the guidelines above.


Firm deadline for submission April 1, 2025. Entries received after April 1, 2025 are ineligible and any refunds are subject to a service charge.


2025 Top Picks (the top twenty books our judges think all readers should have in their library) and the 2025 Finalists (the Top 6 from the Top Picks) will be announced before the conference. Killer Nashville will contact all Top Picks and Finalists using submitted information, alerting them to the honor via our subscription newsletter. If contact info changes, please contact Killer Nashville so we can get in touch. Top Picks and Finalists will be honored, and winners in each category and the overall winners will be announced at the Killer Nashville Awards Dinner on August 23, 2025.


Our team of contest judges is comprised of professors/educators, published authors, editors, book publicists, book reviewers, and other industry professionals.

What previous winners are saying:

  • “Winning the Silver Falchion Award was an incredible experience, from the awards ceremony to the positive effect on my book sales!

    —Randall Reneau

  • "Winning the Silver Falchion Award came at just the right time to draw extra attention to the release of The Devil's Bible trade paperback, and we were also able to use the Silver Falchion win as promotion at the launch of Book of the Just. For some readers trying to decide what to add to their TBR pile, seeing the validation of an award win gives them the last nudge they need to buy your book."

    _Dana Chamblee Carpenter, The Bohemian Trilogy

  • "Winning the Silver Falchion Award for Best Attending Author from Killer Nashville 2020 is one of my biggest thrills ever -and that coveted Silver Falchion medal has been a huge boost to my writing career. It also comes after I won the Killer Nashville Claymore Award a few years earlier, which helped me start my current Clare Carlson mystery series."

    _R.G Belskv, The Clare Carlson Mysteries

  • "After winning the Silver Falchion in 2019 for Best Mystery (A Knife in the Fog), and again in 2020 as Best Suspense and Book of the Year (Queen's Gambit). I'm seen b industrv professionals as a serious writer. I've gotten several invitations to participate or lead author panels and been on several podcasts. If I were in the Mafia, I'd be what is known as a "Made Man."

    –Bradley Harper, A Knife in the Fog & Queen's Gambit

  • "I don't know which was better, winning the Silver Falchion in 2016 for our anthology, Murder on Wheels, or having it presented by the mystery legend, Anne Perry. Both were a total thrill for the Austin Mystery Writers and this honor gave us the confidence to create another anthology."

    –Kaye George

  • "Winning the Silver Falchion Award was one of the highlights of my career! It propelled me forward and opened doors in a way no other award has!"

    –David Neilsen

  • "The most exciting event in my writing career occurred the evening The Killer Nashville International Mystery Writers' Conference named my debut novel, Waking Up in Medellin, the Silver Falchion winner for Best Fiction Book of the Year. 2017. The award has validated me as an author in the competitive mystery and thriller categories."

    –Kathryn Lane

  • "An award vou're not quite sure how to pronounce reminds you that there's always more to learn about language when you're a writer. And, in this enormous country, it's lovely to think of readers all the way over in TN knowing about your books and appreciating them."

    –Catriona McPherson

  • "As an indie author, winning a Silver Falchion for Best Mystery out of a pool that included some of my favorite traditionally published authors, alongside winners in other categories who were my idols, was an exciting form of validation I never dreamed was possible. Since winning, I have found that I suddenly have an instant credibility with other crime fiction authors, publishers, agents, publicists, and editors - credibility I lacked before. Readers may care more about my USA Today bestseller status, but nothing opens doors within the industry like the Silver Falchion."

    –Pamela Fagan Hutchins

Previous Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award winners: