KN Magazine: Reviews
The Recruiter
By Gregg Podolski
Review by Debbie Burke
The Recruiter
Gregg Podolski
Blackstone Publishing, Inc.
July 23, 2024
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THE RECRUITER is a riveting, darkly comic thriller by debut author Gregg Podolski (Blackstone Publishing, release date July 23, 2024).
Wise-cracking anti-hero Rick Carter runs a successful business as an executive recruiter for the underworld. If you need persuasive muscle, cyberhackers, or assassins, his criminal rolodex is second to none. He offers a “no police guarantee,” but he draws the line at hits on law enforcement.
When a shadowy client named Trish demands hired guns to kill four federal agents, Rick tries to talk his way out of the job, especially since one target is the fiancé of his ex-wife. But Trish insists. If Rick refuses, she promises not only his business but his life will go down in bullet-riddled history.
Rick pretends to fulfil the contract but secretly warns several intended victims. At the same time, he makes a perilous journey across the US, dodging Trish’s henchmen, to locate his children, his estranged ex-wife, and her federal agent fiancé. He’s ready to sacrifice himself for his family's safety, but that isn’t enough. The henchmen arrive first. Now what?
With unpredictable plot twists, breakneck pacing, and dark humor, THE RECRUITER delivers the goods for a compelling, unconventional thriller. Highly recommended.
Debbie Burke writes the award-winning Tawny Lindholm Thriller series. She also blogs for the popular crime writing site, The Kill Zone. Her eighth book Deep Fake Double Down was the mystery/thriller finalist for the 2023 BookLife Prize.

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