Weregirl by C.D. Bell / Reviewed by Ashlyn Duke

Killer Nashville Book of the Day

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Weregirl by C.D. Bell
Reviewed by Ashlyn Duke

C.D. Bell presents a unique twist on a werewolf story in Weregirl. This is the story about Nessa Kurland, an ambitious girl who is striving to get an athletic scholarship to go to college by running track. Her goal changes somewhat once she realizes that she can no longer be just a girl striving for college.

Weregirl is set in small town Tether, Michigan. After Dutch Chem had their way Tether was left a poison wasteland, and many people from Tether had to move. That is until the white knight Paravida shows up to save the day. Everything should be perfect now - until something slips. It’s up to Nessa to save Tether, but she has a problem of her own.

This is a book that is not focused on a love story, but of Nessa transforming into a stronger person. She doesn’t focus on guys, like her best friend Bree seems to. Her priorities are more focused on beating her rival Cynthia at the meets and getting the best running time. Nessa is a unique character that smashes the typical teenage stereotype. The evildoers in the story even have a unique motive.

Weregirl is a book for anyone looking to enjoy comedic/suspenseful/action filled book. The questions to be asked are: Will Nessa be able to control herself? What are they really doing in the labs? Can Nessa uncover the mystery of her little town or will she have to roll over and play dead?

Ashlyn Duke will graduate from Tennessee Tech in December 2017 with a Bachelors Degree in English Literature. She always has a book handy on her for those just-in-case moments. She also enjoys drawing, and going on hikes with her Australian Shepherd.

If you have a book you would like featured, send a digital ARC for consideration to books@killernashville.com. The Killer Nashville Book of the Day Reviews are coordinated by Clay Stafford with the assistance of Liz Gatterer and credited guest reviewers.

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