The Golden Tresses of the Dead by Alan Bradley / Review by Liz Gatterer

By Alan Bradley

Delecorte Press
ISBN 978-0345540027
Publication Date:  January 22,20189

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Book of the Day

Flavia De Luce is back and cleaver as always.  This is the 10th installment by Alan Bradley featuring the precocious prepubescent private investigator, Flavia De Luce.  Flavia and her father’s faithful friend (ok – valet, but that didn’t fit the alliteration pattern…) have begun their own professional investigation firm. Case number one:  who stuck their finger in Feely’s wedding cake?  Or rather, who stuck a severed finger in Feely’s wedding cake? 

As ever, this little girl is too smart for her own good.  But it is good fun!  Bradley’s creation echoes back to Sherlock Holmes without being a tired recreation.  If you haven’t read the early novels, you really should.  But no worries if you haven’t -each book can stand on its own.  Alan Bradley published his first Flavia De Luce novel (which won the Crime Writer’s Dagger Award) as a septuagenarian.  Which gives me hope that  I still have time to write my great novel. 


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