The Darkest Time of Night by Jeremy Finley/Review by Liz Gatterer

The Darkest Time of Night
By Jeremy Finley

St. Martin's Press
ISBN  978-1250147301
Publication Date: June 2018



The Darkest Time of Night by Jeremy Finley is one of the scariest books I have read in quite a while (and I am a big fan of both the sci-fi and horror genres).  I am sure that because it is set right here in Nashville, amongst places quite familiar to me, and centered around the abduction of a 7-year-old boy (I am also the mother of a 7-year-old boy) had a lot to do with upping the personal unease I felt while reading it.  Still, I am sure that others will enjoy all of the spine-tingling chills that Finley has in store for them

Lynn Roseworth is the wife to the U.S. Senator from Tennessee, mother to three grown daughters and purveyor of a small flower shop on the edge of the woods.  The woods where as a child she was forbidden to go; the woods where the mysterious gravestone of a young girl has stood for nearly a century; the woods where her grandson William has just disappeared from (into?).  But with the help of her dear friend, a man from her past, and a few new friends – Lynn just might be the only person who can find him.

Finley put his real-life background as an investigative journalist to work in this exciting, scary and very entertaining story.  The characters are exceptionally well developed and true to Nashville.  Having lived in the area for the past 20 years, I think I may have actually met “Lynn” and her side-kick, “Roxy” (who is probably my favorite character in this novel).  The storyline, likewise, is well thought-out, logical and feels like a real investigation.  I think it is that these are real people and real places that makes the more science fictional elements seem believable.   For fans of The X Files, this is your book.  I usually have trouble buying into the amateur sleuth idea, but Finley fixes this by giving the main character a very credible back story. 

I truly enjoyed reading this book, but I will be just a little bit worried when I see those darn ladybugs gathering...

Liz Gatterer attended Tulane University while living in New Orleans. It was there that she first began working with authors in the printing industry. Originally from Upstate New York, she moved to Nashville with her husband to pursue their careers (his being music). Three (absolutely fabulous) children later, she has returned to the working world in the industry she loves. She currently lives in Spring Hill with said husband and children, dogs, cats, and various other creatures. The necessity of multitasking has led her to an addiction to audio books – but, when able to, she still prefers to curl up with a good book (and a child in her lap).


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