Sweet Dreams, Baby Belle by Kim Carter / Reviewed by Lyn Farquhar

Killer Nashville Book of the Day

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Kim Carter

Sweet Dreams, Baby Belle by Kim Carter
Reviewed by Lia Farrell

Lizzie is just barely making it as a waitress when she meets Dr. Grant Chatsworth, and their quick courtship ends in what seems to be a picture-perfect marriage. Not only is Dr. Chatsworth tall and good-looking, but he is also a renowned cardiac surgeon and researcher into a new treatment for congestive heart failure. But when Lizzie moves into Dr. Chatsworth’s estate, things begin to go sour very quickly.

Lizzie soon finds herself a captive, cut off from her sister Maggie—her only family—under Housekeeper Flossie’s increasingly baleful eye. She is miserable and wants to leave: not only does she no longer love Grant, but she is increasingly suspicious that his research might be bogus. During a party intended to lure wealthy investors for her husband’s research, Lizzie faints. Flossie immediately suspects that she’s pregnant, which galvanizes Lizzie into launching an escape plan.

Clara, Dr. Chatsworth’s nurse, also suspects he might be up to something, and joins causes with Lizzie, skimming money from the practice to help Lizzie escape to her sister’s house. Only able to venture outside after dark, Lizzie finds a gravestone in the Old Biloxi City Cemetery, labeled only “Baby Belle”. Feeling that Baby Belle is trying to contact her from beyond the grave gives Lizzie purpose, especially when she realizes the graves in that area are all labeled “Lunatic”. Lizzie is determined to unravel the mystery of Baby Belle and to achieve justice for the little lamb whose gravestone doesn’t even bear her last name.

As Grant Chatsworth’s empire begins to crumble, he becomes determined to find Lizzie and kill her before she can reveal what she knows. Can Lizzie stay hidden long enough to have her baby? Will Grant Chatsworth be shown up for the fraud that he is? Will the mystery of Baby Belle’s life and death save Lizzie, or kill her before Grant Chatsworth can?

Kim Carter'sSweet Dreams, Baby Belle is a fast-paced action story with a subplot of messages from beyond the grave. It’s just the slightly spooky thing for readers who are interested in psychic phenomena.

Lyn Farquhar is the co-author of the Mae DecemberMystery series, under the penname Lia Farrell.

If you have a book you would like featured, send an ARC for consideration. The Killer Nashville Book of the Day Reviews are coordinated by Clay Stafford with the assistance of Emily Eytchison and credited guest reviewers.

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