The Plot is Murder by V.M. Burns / Review by Lynda Palmer

The Plot is Murder
By V.M. Burns

ISBN 978-1496711816
Publication Date: November 28, 2017

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Book of the Day

Reading is contentment. Reading a book that allows you to vicariously check off two things on your bucket list is a luxury not to be missed. In The Plot is Murder, V.M. Burns' main character, Samantha (Sam) Washington, quits a job she loves to open a mystery bookstore and completes her first mystery novel. The catalyst for this change was the death of her husband, but with the help of her family, she settles into her new home and life.  All is going well until the body of her hateful Real Estate agent is discovered in her backyard.

The case is handed over to Detective Brad Pitt, not that Brad Pitt but rather a judgmental and incompetent detective. When no progress is made in the case, Sam enlists the help of Nana Jo and her three cohorts to solve this mess. Sam describes Nana as "Rose on Golden Girls" and her friends are smart, devious, and humorous. The antics of Sam and the four senior sleuths will keep you reading through the night.

Interspersed throughout the book is Sam's own novel–as she gets time to return to it. This story is set in a Country home in England in 1938. This story is full of love, murder, plots to win the hand of the fair maiden and lives of the Lords and Ladies of the manor and their friends. By using this technique, Burns actually gives the reader two stories in one book!

This book is sure to please cozy mystery readers. It is full of characters, two murders to solve, colorful characters and interesting settings. 

Got a bucket list? See how a high school teacher checks off two of her goals just by doing it.


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