Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts/Review by Annie Oneonta

Of Blood and Bone
By Nora Roberts

St. Martin's Press
ISBN 978-1250122995
Publication Date: December 4, 2018



There are so many ways the society might come crashing down around us...  and so many more that can be imagined.  Thirteen-year-old Fallon Swift is part of the generation that came after The Doom sickness.  After everything fell apart. She has only known this world.  Where she is hunted for being special.  But, the time is coming where she will no longer be able to hide.

This is a world of witches, fairies, and magic.  It is wonderful.  As the sequel to Year One, we are once again part of Katie and Fred and all of what the wonderful characters from book one.  But, we also get to meet some new and not so nice characters.  If you haven't read Year One, stop.  Go to your local bookstore and start there.  But certainly, pick up Of Blood and Bone while you are there because you will want to read it right away.

This is a really great series.  Plenty of supernatural creepiness - and not a blindfold in sight.


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