The Innocents by David Putnam / Review by Britany Menken

By David Putnam

Oceanview Publishing
ISBN 978-1608092574
Publication Date:  February 6, 2018


Book of the Day

Bruno Johnson, high priority deputy and ladies’ man brings an intelligible vigor to David Putnam’s latest crime novel, The Innocents. Armed with a deep-seated understanding of the human condition, Deputy Johnson catches criminals by the book despite the temptation of vengeance. In addition to well-written characters chalk full of morality, Putnam’s police jargon puts the reader right smack dab in the midst of police station rigmarole. His true-blue dialogue pays heavy respect to Putnam’s actual time on the force. The Innocentsis just a taste of Bruno Johnson’s deputy days including a trilogy and four completed stand-alone novels. Putnam’s inspired life and imagination have created a character complex enough to continue his journey for many more books. In The Innocents, on the other hand, this coal colored Casanova will have more to worry about than drug cartels when a woman turns up with a screaming baby girl at his doorstep.

Regarded highly by his notable past, Deputy Johnson puts himself in compromising positions every day. The beginning of the book spares no exception as we find him tangled with a red-headed beauty in the shower. While neither were resisting arrest, a knock on the door put the steamy shower to a halt for that knock was the sound of Bruno Johnson’s new life as a father. A ghost from his past dubbed him with the responsibility of being a daddy to a screaming purple-faced baby girl. With the pressures of fatherhood and being a new member of the violent crimes team of Los Angeles, Bruno will have to pull more than just a rabbit out of his hat. Johnson quickly learns of his new assignment by the new head of command, Lieutenant Robby Wicks. As brass as his .45 Combat Commander, Wicks isn’t afraid to flaunt his decorated past while simultaneously ripping you a new one.

Assigned a solo undercover mission, Bruno is tasked with the inside job of arresting one of their own. The culprit? A small fry Mexican man named Blue. From first glance, Blue seems like your average trigger-happy cop who isn’t afraid to push beyond the limits that as the story progresses, the reader learns of his true intentions and lack of compassion for his fellow man. In one day Bruno hit the trifecta of problems from crooked cops to bouncing babies and special undercover assignments. What more could be added to his plate? Que a mysterious woman from another crime division. Is he weary of her enough to stay away or will her physical and mental attractiveness break through that tough manly exterior?

With enough drama to start a crime show, The Innocents is a fun, quick read with a little peek into the world of Bruno Johnson. With other successful crime books under his belt, David Putnam’s real feel take on the life of a deputy flow and moves like silk across the page. The stark and straightforward writing of Putnam coincides wonderfully with all the characters he’s created in the world of Deputy Johnson and his fellow team members. Putnam’s skill at making you hate and love the right characters is showcased in this fast-paced crime novel from the villainous Blue whose true intentions include thieving a hefty amount of cash to Deputy Johnson, who no matter how hard the crooked cops try to bring him down even by framing his father, stays true to the law and what’s just. I highly suggest picking up your copy of The Innocents which comes out February 6th. In the meantime, I strongly urge the reader to check out other Bruno Johnson crime novels. With enough police jargon, maybe you’ll be able to join the force as well.

Many thanks to David Abolafia and Oceanview Publishing for providing Killer Nashville with the advance review copy. 

Britany Menken is a lover of the arts with a Creative Writing degree from Tusculum College. A firm advocate of reading and writing, Britany spends her days working on her own novels as well as helping others do the same. Born in Maryville TN, she also enjoys morning trips to the mountains for writing sessions and spending more time with her cat than humans. 


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