Daily Writing Resilience 365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers by Bryan Robinson / Review by Joseph Borden

Daily Writing Resilience
365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers


Book of the Day

Bryan Robinson’s Daily Writing Resilience 365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers is a must-read for any writer. Whether you’re just getting started or are a household name, there is undoubtedly some piece of wisdom within this book that you can incorporate into your own writing life.

Daily Writing Resilience contains 365 daily mediations, each accompanied by a short inspirational quote. These quotes are from experts in a variety of disciplines—journalists, religious leaders, actors, psychologists, artists, bestselling authors, etc.— and are followed by a short passage that serves to enumerate upon the day’s theme.

All of the passages, of course, are aimed toward helping one to build the resilience it takes to persevere what Robinson calls the “trials and tribulations of writers.” The book highlights common issues amongst writers—despair, rejection, lack of confidence, impossible deadlines, bad reviews, etc.—and offers strategies for overcoming those hurdles, along with a bit of levity here and there. Some passages are lighthearted musings or funny anecdotes. Others contain a bit more gravity and ask the reader to reflect upon a particular issue they are facing. Each of them, though, can serve as a call-to-action.

The book begins with January 1 and runs through the end of December so you can jump right in at any point. It can be followed linearly, of course, but the book also contains an index with keywords relating to a number of writing issues/topics so one can quickly locate passages pertaining to a specific issue he or she might be facing that day.

At the end of each passage is a daily “takeaway”—a short (usually one sentence) bit of advice or contemplation that the reader can ruminate on for a while and incorporate into their own personal/professional lives.

If you, like me, find it difficult to navigate the day-to-day ho-hum of writing (or creating in general), then Daily Writing Resilience needs to be on your bookshelf. Better yet, keep it near your workstation alongside your most frequently consulted books on craft. In those daunting moments of doubt or frustration, Robinson’s Daily Writing Resilience can help give you the strength to power through—one day at a time.

Joseph Borden graduated from Tusculum College in December of 2014 with a degree in Creative Writing. Previously, he’s served as Managing Editor for The Tusculum Review and as an advertising specialist for a The Hickman County Times. He spends most of his time reading and writing fiction—his short story “Hell or High Water” was Editor’s Choice for the 2014 edition of Din Magazine. His hobbies include playing guitar, singing, people watching, and riding his motorcycle. He currently lives in Lyles.


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