Come Home by Patricia Gussin / Review by Linda Petrilli

Come Home
By Patricia Gussin

Oceanview Publishing
ISBN 978-1608092598
Publish Date: November 7, 2017

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Book of the Day

Come Home by Patricia Gussin is a two-pronged, culture mixed thriller. Twin Nicole Nelson and her husband Ahmed Musud have what appears to be a happy life. Fulfilling jobs as partners in a surgical practice and a son they both love. There is trouble in paradise when Ahmed starts having difficulties at work, and his family in Egypt starts pressuring him to return home and bring only his son, but not his American wife.

The story is told from two points of view. Nicole watching her once loving and easy-going husband drawing away from her and their son. Although he comes from a rich, influential family in Egypt he has never seemed to be interested in returning to that life. He has adapted American cultures, even allowing his son to be brought up in a non-Muslin church. Accepted by Nicole’s large and friendly family he appears mostly happy and is well liked. Nicole becomes increasingly worried about him as he seems to be withdrawing a little more from their life after every weekly call to his family in Egypt.

Ahmed loves living in America away from his domineering older brother and strict Muslim dictates. He enjoys his wife’s large and diverse family that has come to accept him. But the stress is getting to him. He has had some lawsuits against him and wonders if it is due to his ethnicity. He starts devolving into self-doubt and bows to pressure from his family to take control of his family and return to Egypt due to unrest in the political scene. He leaves his so American wife behind and returns to Egypt with his son to assume his place in the family textile business. When he gets there, he finds things are not as they seem and must try to save them both from the mess he’s in.

When Nicole discovers that her husband and son are gone, she turns to her family for help. With the help of her twin sister her husband, Nicole and a top line security team go after Alex.

The story hits on many current and cultural events.  Spanning three continents and two very different cultures, Gussin connects with the very relatable feelings of love, devotion, greed, and arrogance. It has many twists and turns leading to an unexpected ending. Gussin keeps the tension up compelling the reader to continue on to the next chapter. Readers who enjoy strong family stories with a twist will find this a very interesting read.

Linda Petrilli 

Linda Petrilli Duncan, MSN, BSN, ADN, RN, has been a nurse too long to want to tell. Served as a Commissioned Officer as a trauma/triage nurse, been a Firefighter II/RN/EMT, red carded with the forestry service to fight forest fires, trained as a TEMS (tactical EMS) for SWAT and law enforcement. Trained as a pilot and flew rescue and DEA missions for the Civil Air Patrol. Trained in martial arts. Trained in most weapons of minor destruction including knifes and tomahawks. Been sent to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, and various parts of South America. According to her children, she is an adrenaline junkie and gets bored easily. Reads voraciously and writes as yet unpublished murder mysteries and thrillers. Belongs to MWA, SinC, RWA and has given internet classes on medical issues in writing, poisons and has been on various panels at KN. She lives in Kentucky with her Newfoundland Ace.


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