Close to Me by Amanda Reynolds / Review by Anna Oneonta

Close to Me
By Amanda Reynolds

ISBN 978-978-1681440316
Publication Date:  December 5, 2017

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Book of the Day

Close to Me is the first novel by Amanda Reynolds.  Although this is her first published work, it is well written and polished. I promise, no spoilers! I love books that I just can't put down-if dawn is breaking while I'm reading the last few pages-it has been a good book. And if I can't sleep the next night because I am still wrapped up in the characters lives, it is a really good book.

Jo thought she had the perfect family.  She had a loving husband, two grown children, and could fill her time volunteering.  But nothing is a perfect as is seems.  Jo actually can't remember anything that happened last year.  She knows she had a bad fall...  but can't quite remember the details.  And the perfect family isn't helping her recover the memories.  

The story is told from Jo's POV and there is a bit of jumping backward and forward through time.  It gave me the feeling of having missed a step, or falling in a dream and waking with a start not quite sure of what just happened.

That feeling of unease just never lets up.  If you enjoy intense, suspenseful, and wholly unsettling psychological thrillers, this is a fantastic book.  You may even question how well you know your own family.


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