Blonde Ice by R.G. Belsky / Reviewed by Jonathan Nash

By R. G. Belsky

ISBN 978-1501129780
Published 10/18/16

Want to read it?  Buy it here!

Book of the Day
Review by Jonathan Nash

A recent string of murders has New York City on edge in R.G. Belsky’s latest Gil Malloy novel, Blonde Ice.

Malloy, an ace reporter for the New York Daily News, has the scoop on a series of peculiar murders. However, the more he investigates it appears that the murderer has the scoop on him.

Belsky allows the reader to unravel the case through the eyes of Malloy, whose life becomes hectic after an unexpected visit from Veronica Issacs. While her appearance resurrects nightmares from Malloy’s past, it proves to serve that he has much bigger problems ahead.

Malloy soon finds himself on the frontline of a serial killer investigation. He is forced to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of journalism while juggling his personal life, job opportunities, and, ultimately, his safety.

The novel is a suspenseful read from start to finish. The reader gets to pull back the layers of the investigation with Malloy, and the twists and turns of each chapter leave the reader wanting to bite in. Belsky delicately toys with the reader's psyche as they try to solve the murders alongside Gil.

Belsky’s attention to detail throughout the novel is much like a journalist painting their story. Each detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, plays a part in the suspenseful reveal. Much like watching a movie again to see what you might have missed, Blonde Ice leaves the reader wide-eyed and eager to start back from the beginning.

Reading Blonde Ice through the first-person perspective of Gil Malloy provides everything a reader can ask for. Malloy’s witty humor and sarcasm pairs perfectly with the seriousness of the murder investigations. The reader is also given a window to see past his snarky, outward persona and into his flawed and doubt-filled conscious. His doubt and internal dialogue make the reader question the mystery as much as the character does.

As the investigation unfolds, the reader is pulled closer and closer to the edge of their seat. Each character's prerogative and motives fall into question, and anyone can have a hidden dark side. As Malloy notes, “you never know what demons are inside people.”

Blonde Ice is an exhilarating read and is on sale now. Put yourself in Malloy’s shoes and witness how the story unravels. One way or another, Gil Malloy is sure to end up on the front page.

Jonathan Nash was the former Special Projects Coordinator for American Blackguard, Inc. He graduated from Tusculum College in May of 2014 with a degree in Journalism and Professional Writing. He has previously served as a Copy Editor for the Citizen Tribune newspaper in Morristown, TN. In his free time, he enjoys being outdoors, playing music, and writing.


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