Black Wings of Cthulhu 5 edited by S. T. Joshi / Review by Todd Stailey

Edited by S. T. Joshi

Titan Books
ISBN 978-1785656910
Publication Date:  January 16, 2018


Book of the Day

First of all, a big thank you to Clay Stafford and Katharine Carroll from Titan books for giving me the opportunity to review this book.Where shall I begin?...For starters, I will most definitely order the previous books in this series. This book was fabulous. I knew Black Wings of Cthulhu was going to be good when I saw that S.T. Joshi was the editor. He is the leading authority on all things Lovecraftian today. This tome contains a wonderful collection of stories that test one's sanity. Tales of otherworldly beings and cosmic horror that would have made Howard Phillips Lovecraft proud. It might have even made him smile. If you know Lovecraft, you'll get that. Wink, wink. These authors have proven that the Old Ones, the Elder Gods are alive and well.

One of my favorite stories from this book is by W. H. Pugmire titled "In Blackness Etched, My Name". It is only four and a half pages and they just ooze with Lovecraft's influence on his writing. Another great story is by Jason C. Eckhardt titled "The Walker in the Night". It's about a restaurant owner that becomes friends with Lovecraft. Very well done. Other wonderfully done tales included in this book are "The Black Abbess" by John Reppion, "The Organ of Chaos" by Donald Tyson, "Casting Fractals" by Sam Gafford, "The Red Witch of Chorazin" by Darrell Schweitzer and a poem titled "Lore" by Wade German. If you are a Lovecraft fan, this book is a must-have for your collection. I can't wait to get the first four volumes in my hands."I am Providence" H.P. Lovecraft Book 6 in the series is due to be released in October 2018, so you have a few months to get caught up!


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