Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn / Review by Lois Schmitt

By Lynn H. Blackburn

ISBN 978-0800729387
Publication Date:  March 6, 2018


Book of the Day

Beneath the Surface is the first book a new series by award-winning author Lynn H. Blackburn. It features homicide investigator Ryan Parker and Leigh Weston, a nurse in the local hospital. Leigh has returned to her hometown of Carrington, NC after a terrifying incident with an obsessed patient. When someone tampers with her breaks she reaches out to her old high school friend, Ryan. The first few pages have a lot of backstory and information, but the action begins on page four with the discovery of a mutilated body in the lake. From that point on, the action, suspense, and romance create a thrill ride of a book.

The relationship development between Ryan and Leigh was my favorite part of the story. Both characters are extremely likable, and their blossoming romance adds as much to the suspense the novel as the murder and its investigation does. Lynn’s enviable talent of making the reader really care about the characters is not something to be taken lightly.

The story is full of tension and surprises. Several attempts at murder are unexpected and catch the reader off guard. The dialogue is realistic and moves the story along at a good pace with the romance and mystery intertwined. The identity of the killer is well hidden and keeps the reader guessing until the end.

The book is categorized as a Christian Mystery and there is no question that the “good guys” in this story believe in God and the Bible–and behave accordingly. It is not "preachy" in any way or overly dogmatic.  The suspense, mystery, and romance are exciting but the reader will not have to worry about inappropriate content. In our tumultuous world, this reader found this to be a comforting aspect of the book.

This is the first book in the Dive Team Investigation series. Actual diving only occurs in the first chapter, so readers who would like more underwater activity will have to wait for book 2 in the series.

Beneath the Surface is a good read that keeps the reader wanting more. I am hoping for a sequel. I would rate this book 4½ stars. So, dive right in–the water is fine!  


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