A Riposte, perhaps

By Daniel P. Stokes

Blithely unaware
of espionage,
I packed my beach bag
(books in sequence, paper,
pencils, specs in separate slots)
till - as if a gate I hadn’t
opened banged behind me -
“You’re slowing down.” Detached, 
peremptory, “Half a week
It took you this time”
- sigh -
“To slip into a routine.”
I shuffled through the doorway’s
sudden sunglare, “Ready?”
Then, leaving her to follow
in her time, dumped bag in boot.

I wasn’t irked but thought,
she’s got this wrong. You slip
into ruts. Routines
are created to do the things
you want the way you want to.
And, Madam Mistress Mine,
perpend: each morning
as you wake and press,
against me, I wrap
my arm beneath your arms
across your breast and, synched,
we wallow in our warmth.
If routine must be ruled
innately vicious,
this warrants censure.


Winter Heat


Dreams Through Glass