Night Panther

By Bear Matthews

The servants have gone to bed, weary from attending to me. As the master of this manor, it is up to me to protect it. I must be vigilant and patrol my domain. I skirt the orange pool of lamplight, sticking to the shadows in the cool moonlight as I stalk the hall corners. The air is still, and it is dead quiet, but my skills conceal my presence in the night. I see a shape—long, sinuous.

A creature intrudes!

It is a curious serpent, pink and fuzzy. It lies still. I approach on silent feet, my whiskers twitching with anticipation. The snake remains motionless, playing dead perhaps? I am not fooled. With a graceful leap, I ascend the bookcase to survey the scene. Glaring down at my prey, I sense the fear in its heart. He has made a mistake wandering into my realm. This slitherer will not escape my wrath.

I pounce!

The battle is over before it begins. The serpent lies limp in my jaws, putting up no fight. I paw and chew, wringing out the remaining life, but soon, I grow bored. I resume my patrol.

A flicker by the window. Ah! A creepy crawly has foolishly entered my sanctuary. The soft cushions of the sofa mask my approach. I hunch down and wiggle my tail, ready to lunge. A little closer... My prey is oblivious. But alas, the silly bug flutters away. Enjoy your respite, little June bug. You will not escape me again.

I watch.

The denizens of the night have witnessed my strength and savagery. They know fear. I enter the hall of my servants. Lousy as they can be, they do try. They are lucky I am a master hunter. Perhaps I will reward them with a small rodent in the morning. I lay down in the bed, ever the protecting master, keeping watch in the night.



At the Gate

