KN Magazine: Articles

Food Food

Dying for Dinner: Flo's Perfect Irish Manhattan & Kay's Killer Chili

Dying For Dinner

Pioneer foodie James Beard once said food is our common ground, a universal experience. We agree. Food not only unites, but also motivates and inspires. Just ask Killer Nashville conference attendee Margaret Fenton who sold her manuscript over drinks at the bar one year. We want to create that kind of positive and heart-warming foodie community with you. So as you discuss character arcs, murder suspects, and autopsy reports, enjoy a drink from Murder She Wrote’s Renee Paley-Bain while smelling Nashville author Kay Elam’s chili in the crockpot. As we say here in the South, “Mmmm, Mmmm, that’s good.”

Flo’s Perfect Irish Manhattan

By Renee Paley-BainCocktail GlassRobert “Don’t call me Bobby” Brixton is the protagonist in Margaret Truman’s recent Capital Crime Series novels, Undiplomatic Murder and Internship in Murder, by Donald Bain. While Robert drinks martinis (always made with gin), he’s not above altering cocktail recipes for his lady friend Flo Combes. Renee says a Perfect Irish Manhattan is lighter than one made with Rye and less sweet than one made with bourbon.In a shaker filled with ice, combine the following:3-ounces Jameson’s Irish Whiskey½-ounce each Sweet Vermouth and Dry VermouthDash of Angostura bittersStir well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with either a maraschino cherry or twist of lemon.

Killer Chili

By Kay ElamKay’s chili is a staple in her home during the chilly months of winter. It’s easy to make, and the smell is heavenly. Simmering in the crockpot for an all-day feast, it’s equally great for watching football games or stimulating the brain to write that bestseller.2 tablespoons of oil1 tablespoon of dried or refrigerated, minced garlicChili1 yellow onion chopped3 stalks celery chopped1 green pepper chopped1-1/2 pounds ground chuck1 teaspoon saltChili½ teaspoon pepper¼ cup chili powder½ cup cumin power1 8-ounce can tomato sauce1 16-ounce can tomatoes1 16-ounce can kidney beansPinch of sugarSaute’ garlic, onions, green pepper, celery and garlic in oil until slightly browned. Drain. Add ground chuck and seasonings. Break up meat and cook until browned. Drain again. Add tomato sauce, tomatoes, kidney beans and sugar. Cover and reduce heat. Add water if it’s too thick. Serve with cheese, sour cream, Fritos, and / or corn muffins.

It’s so good, it should be a crime. If you concoct either of these great recipes, let us know what you think and send us a picture. We may include it here with a link to your website.What are you cooking? Submit your favorite recipes. They can be based on your favorite literary character, your Aunt Clara’s, or some amalgamation of ingredients you’ve discovered that makes life worth living (nothing with arsenic seasoning, please). Make sure to include your contact information and explanation of the origin of the recipe. Send your submissions (to which you avow in a court of law that you have all rights to and are granting the nonexclusive rights to Killer Nashville to use in any form and at any time) with subject line “Dying For Dinner” to

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