KN Magazine: Articles

Killer Cocktails: Fahrenheit 151º

This month’s exclusive Killer Nashville Killer Cocktail: Fahrenheit 151º

The crazy thing about Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 is its continued eerie relevance.

Published in 1953, the dystopian novel about a future American society where books are banned and burned, feels creepy and unrealistic, until you realize that people today plug up their ears and stare at inanities on electronic screens much like the main character’s wife.

Perhaps there are no mass book burnings per se, but there is certainly a form of censorship that exists, and of course there is apathy.

When we approached Mark “Spaz” Morris, professional drink-slinger, about creating Killer Nashville’s own brand of cocktails developed around literary themes, Spaz’s mind went straight to Bradbury’s McCarthy era award-winner. Equal parts merry prankster and a lover of words, the book clearly made a long-lasting impact on him.

Spaz’s creation is considered a flaming shot and it is the first in a series of original cocktails we recommend along with a good book. This drink is a lot easier to make than it first appears. Don’t be scared. Have fun. And, if you haven’t read Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, it’s high time you did.

Fahrenheit 151


1 ounce Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire

½-ounce Bacardi 151

1 bottle chilled hard cider

A pint glass

A skinny shot glass

A lighter or matches


1. Prepare the shot by pouring the Tennessee Fire first, leaving enough room for Bacardi 151º.

2. Gently layer the Bacardi 151º on top of the Tennessee Fire and let it settle.

3. Pour the chilled hard cider into the pint glass about half-full.

4. Light the Bacardi 151º on fire. It will produce a lovely blue flame. (DO NOT touch the fire and DO NOT blow it out.)

5. Drop the flaming shot glass into the pint glass from where the shot glass touches the cider.

Drink up!

All products used in the making of Killer Nashville cocktails are readily available at your local liquor store.

Cheers! Send us pictures and comments of you and Killer Nashville’s Fahrenheit 151. We’ll share them here along with a link back to you!

About Spaz:

Spaz started in the restaurant/bar business back in 1984 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana when he was a student at Louisiana State University. Instead of becoming a chemical engineer, he became a social legend instead, he says jokingly. He later transferred to Knoxville, Tennessee, and received a Bachelor’s in marketing from the University of Tennessee in 1989. He has worked the gamut in the bar and restaurant industry from biker bars to 4-fork setting restaurants and has had a passion for the craft ever since. An avid traveler, he has lived in 13 states and visited 40, so far. He enjoys reading sci-fi and sci-fantasy books. He currently holds court at Red Dog Wine and Spirits in Franklin, Tenn. Check out the store:

Fahrenheit 151º ™ and © 2015 Killer Nashville. Killer Nashville is a ® Federally Registered Trademark. All rights reserved.

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