State of the Industry: Many Routes to the Book Promotion Finish Line… Pick One and Start!

Diving into cold water, ripping off a Band-Aid… Sometimes spontaneity and impulsiveness are exactly what you need. Nike’s ad campaign hits the nail on the head when it comes to exercising: “Just Do It”. In her first column for Killer Nashville Magazine, public relations expert Julie Schoerke offers advice along these lines for promoting your book and yourself.

Many Routes to the Book Promotion Finish Line… Pick One and Start!
By Julie Schoerke

You’ve heard the old adage, “just get moving,” when it comes to starting an exercise routine for better health.

Same is true as you “build your platform” or start spreading your wings in your new career—aspiring writer to published author.

You’re smart, you’ve got characters playing in your head, you’re all about the writing. But, wait! You need to become known, like you would at any other workplace. And you’ve got to start now! Wherever you are in the process, now is the right moment to start thinking about promotion.

Jenny Milchman, author of Cover of Snow, Ruin Falls, and As Night Falls, (view her books on our affiliate site, had so many friends in the publishing industry and around the country by the time her first novel was published that you could hear cheers from New York to San Francisco.

Here is Jenny’s advice for those starting:

“It's never too early to begin promoting your book—you could say I started 10 years before getting published—although I didn't think of it as ‘promotion’. Instead, consider what we are really doing: building relationships that will do far more than sell books. They will enrich our whole lives.”

What can you do to engage as part of this community before you have a book deal?

Become a student of your genre and what’s happening in it— read the newest books, know the well-known works, follow their authors’ careers.

Attend author events at your local bookstore; get to know the staff and the authors coming through your city. Buy their book, and have them sign it that night! Don’t go home and order on Amazon!

Attend some meet-up writing groups (you can find them in just about any city online at or groups organized through your library or bookstore—become a part of a community of serious writers.

Make connections on social media: Become a true fan of authors, agents, librarians, mystery bookstores, and book industry insiders on Facebook and Twitter. Comment, like, and share their news with your followers.

Volunteer at your local book festival. Host visiting authors in your town or city.

And, of course, attend the Killer Nashville Writers’ Conference! Participate in writer’s workshops and retreats, honing your skills and perfecting your craft while making some great friendships along the way.

You do not have to do all of these things, or you may choose other ways to become involved. The first step is to do something.

A public relations expert with 30 years of experience and founder of JKS Communications, Julie specializes in developing winning book publicity campaigns for authors and publishers.

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